
BigelowSands gives expert advice on the alternative alternative space. We make introductions to funds or specialists to diverisfy portfolios from the traditonal debt and equity markets. In this low interest rate environment and crowded credit markets, Bigelow Sands will point high-net-worth investors or family offices to funds generating income.

we are currently working on 2 different mandates.

1.Raising capital for J4 Capital LLC , a investment advisor that incoporates their "Alpha" program to turn the quant industry upside . 

2. Business development for Atmos Air. A bi-polar ionization product that reduces energy costs and cleans indoor air. 

Where to Find Us:

BigelowSands LLC
 1350 Avenue of Americas 

 20th Floor
 New York, NY 10019


Phone: 646-465-9541

What's New

We are please to announce BigelowSands LLC via Wavecrest Securities has agreed to market J4 Capital LLC . J4 Capital is a Registered Investment Advisor using an Artificial Superintelligence to engineer financial produ ts with a variety of risk/rereturn charateristics. J4 currently invests clients in SPY, multi-stock ETFs and currencies and can provide our advisor services across a wide variety fo tradable ecurities and derivaties.

For inquiries please e-mail







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